Friday, March 18, 2011

Who am I?

What a question...who am I? Well I'll start with the basics:

I'm 22 years old and up until I graduated from high school, so pretty much as long as I was kept there by force, I lived in El Paso, Tx. I mention that only because growing up in such a place (if you've been there you know what I mean, it's different) made me who I am today through it's people, experiences and culture. I didn't love it, but I have to admit, I do get a little nostalgic about it now that I don't live there everyday. I left El Paso and moved as far away as i could get without leaving the state, which put me in Tyler, TX attending UT Tyler. I was there for 2 years, I made a lot of very good friends, and I was exposed to a lot of new things in East Texas. I transferred and now I am a recent graduate of Texas State. I could not be happier to be finished with school. I've always hated school. I got my BA in Political Science with an emphasis on International Relations which, I admit, made college a bit more bearable because I was learning about something I was genuinely interested in. I currently work for the Texas House of Representatives in the Chief Clerk's Office. I, if that didn't give it away, live in Austin. I just moved here in January when I got this job so I'm still exploring the city and figuring out what all the hype is about (to be continued...)
Random Facts:
I love to travel and I have been fortunate enough to have visited many places in my lifetime already. I've been all over the US, Mexico, France, England, Scotland, Germany, Spain, and others. Some have been vacations with the family but 3, (France twice and Spain) were study abroad programs. I speak French pretty well but I'm hoping to be fluent at some point and I'm also very interested in learning other languages like Spanish, Italian, and possibly maybe a middle-eastern language like Arabic. I also love a lot. I'm a Dallas Cowboy, New York Yankee, LA Lakers, FC Barcelona and UT fan and I am VERY loyal to my teams and I get real into watching them. I also have a soft spot for the home teams though like the Mavs and the Rangers. I love art and fashion as well and I have an adorable ginger cat named Jaxon. All of these things will be common topics in my blog I'm sure as I just plan to write on the going-ons of my everyday life and whatever comes to mind (at least thats the plan for now, I'm hoping it'll get some direction once it gets going.) Thats all for now....Enjoy : )

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