Monday, March 21, 2011

Summer Time

I know it's a little early to be thinking about my summer plans but it seems to be most of what is on my mind right now. I think i think about it so much recently because it's kind of an escape from all of the bad things that have come into my life lately. I have a few ideas of what i want to do. My job ending sometime in June and then I'm unemployed with all the free time in the world so I've decided I'm going on vacation. I always leave central Texas over the summer because I just can't stand the heat and the humidity so I jet.
Option #1: Barcelona
I traveled to Barcelona in the summer of 2009 for 5 weeks with a study abroad program and I really really loved it. Its the perfect combination of relaxed, historical, fun and there is a ton to do. And the best part is, it's a beach town and I've been really really in the mood to go to back and just lay on the beach and do nothing. If i was to go to Spain this summer i would go for a while, like at least a month. Id find an apartment or something to rent for the time and just kind of hang out. the only down side to this plan is that i more than likely would be going alone. The alone part isn't a huge deal, I've traveled alone quite often, but not for that long so i may get a bit lonely but i don't foresee finding anyone to go with me.
Option #2: China/Southeast Asia
My co-worker and new friend Emily will be in China this summer for...something...and she thinks i should come over and visit her towards the end of her stay and she'd show me around and then we could go to Thailand or somewhere beachy and relax for a while. I like this option because it's a part of the world I've never been too before. But at the same time, it's a part of the world I'm not 100% dieing to go to and being in China not knowing any Chinese and it being a language that you can just pick up and understand quickly, i think it would really freak me out. Another good part though is that i hear once you get there, it's pretty cheap, a lot cheaper than Europe that's for sure.
Option #3: Alaska
I think this option can be done in conjunction with another because it would only be for max 2 weeks. My dad has decided that he would like to take the whole family on an Alaskan cruise. My parents went on one a few years back and loved it. My family hasn't all been on a vacation together in almost a decade and i think we are all at a place where it would be fun. I like this idea.
Option #4: Anywhere else
Maybe I'll go visit family in Hawaii or California or maybe I'll go to India or Ireland or back to France or somewhere else random. I'm very open to suggestions. Point me in a direction and I'll explore it.