Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Travel Dos and Don'ts

As I've mentioned before, I have traveled a lot in my short life so far and traveling is really where my passion lies. In recent years I have gone on 3 trips with groups of college age people and then traveled around by myself afterwards and something became all to clear to me; kids this age don't know how to act. I'm not saying I never did anything wrong or never drew negative attention to myself but compared to the people around me I was practically a local. I think people i was with picked up on this because I sort of became the unofficial leader of the group and kinda of kept people in check and organized. I don't know if it is because of the traveling I did growing up or if it had more to do with my over planning, always trying to be one step ahead, cautious nature but I always seemed to be wise beyond my years when it came to conducting myself in a foreign country. My mom has always told me that I should write a book geared towards young people traveling alone or for the first time. A basic Dos and Don'ts of travel for people my age. I think it's a great idea and I have decided to use this as a beginning to that. Every once and a while I'll post a Do or a Don't and just see how it goes. All of my travel experience has come from Europe so they will be geared towards that region. I have some friends that have traveled other places that I may have guest star in my blog and give me some advice about traveling in other parts of the world as cultures and customs dictate how you should act more than anything else. But of course, some dos and don'ts are universal.

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